ORII – The World’s First Voice-Powered Smart Ring Launches Today Hong Kong-based start-up develops cutting-edge technology for a screen-free future Revolutionising the wearable technology market is the world’s first voice-powered smart ring called ORII. Launching on Kickstarter at 8pm (EST)…
Swedish electric car reaches 63% of crowdfunding goal within first hours
Swedish electric car reaches 63% of crowdfunding goal within first hours Stockholm, October 5, 2016 – Sweden’s first urban electric car, Uniti, today launched its global equity crowdfunding round on FundedByMe with a goal to raise €500.000 for 5,1% ownership in the company. The company, which is developing a…
Phresh is raising funds to save fruits and vegetables from spoiling
Phresh is raising funds to save fruits and vegetables from spoiling Phresh has just launched a new Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign at https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/phresh/food-protectors-your-kitchens-heroes in order to raise $ 20,000 that will help the Israeli startup provide what it calls the “Heroes of the Kitchen” Currently, one single patch…