Cinebench R15 is a popular benchmark test that is used to determine the performance of the Ryzen CPUs. This benchmark can run in both single threaded and multi-threaded mode, allowing us to find out the true performance of the Ryzen 7 1800X compared to the Intel’s competing product. In our tests, we will have the Intel Core i7 6900K and latest Core i7 7700K processor for comparison. We want to show the differences in single threaded performance specifically between the Kaby Lake processor and the new AMD Ryzen 7 series. Also, we can compare between the performance of the latest Octa-core processors from both companies.
Test Setup
- AMD Ryzen 7 1800X CPU @ Stock Settings
- ASUS Crosshair VI Hero Motherboard
- Cooler Master Master Liquid Pro 240
- Corsair Vengeance 3000MHz DDR4 2 x 8GB Kit (1.35V)
- OCZ TL100 240GB SSD
- FSP HEXA+ 550W
- Windows 10 Enterprise 64Bit

In our tests, we are certain to name the Ryzen 7 1800X as one of the most power processors in the planet. The benchmarks has shown that AMD has finally caught up on the performance race with Intel.
The Ryzen 7 1800X has consistently faired well in both single threaded and multi threaded Cinebench R15 benchmarks. From the scores, we can see that the Ryzen 7 1800X is slightly faster than the Core i7 6900K in the single threaded test. We can safely assume that the high end Skylake and Kabylake processors will be faster than the Ryzen 7 1800X on single threaded applications due to their advancements in architecture, providing more performance per clock. It could also be due to the higher clock speeds on the i7 7700K.
Over on multi-threaded tests, the Ryzen 7 processor thrives. It has shown much better performance per thread as compared to Intel’s latest Broadwell-E processors. In fact, based on our scores, the AMD Ryzen 7 1800X is about 15% faster than the Core i7 6900K!
It is known to AMD that their latest Ryzen 7 CPUs will not be able to compete in terms of performance with the Kaby Lake Core i7 in single threaded applications. Based on the information provided by AMD, they have tested also tested the Ryzen 7 to be about 15% slower than the Kaby Lake Core i7. However, we do see much better performance in their final retail CPUs which has an advantage over the Core i7 6900K.
It would be interesting to see the new enthusiast Kaby Lake/Sky Lake chips from Intel. Those processors should heat up the race for performance in the CPU space. Your move, Intel…
Other Ryzen related topics that may interest you :
- Ryzen 7 1800X Temperatures –
- CPU Single Thread VS Multi Thread Performance Benchmark –
- Ryzen 7 1800X Power Consumption –
- Ryzen 7 1800X Overclocked to 4.12GHz –
- Ryzen Official Press Release –
System used in Benchmark
Intel Core i7 6900K
ASUS STRIX X99 Gaming Motherboard
Crucial BLS8G4D240FSB16FBD2 16GB Dual Channel Kit
Samsung 850 PRO 512GB SSD
Intel Core i7 7700K
Crucial BLS8G4D240FSB16FBD2 16GB Dual Channel Kit
Samsung 850 PRO 512GB SSD
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