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Hot off the Press

Be in the know with the latest tech news and press releases.

Learn how to code in HTML5 and develop on Windows 8!

Ngee Ann Computer Club will be holding a Windows 8 Application Development Workshop for students.…

Razer Electra Giveaway winner announced!

The winner of the brand new Razer Electra has been chosen. Mr Lucky is none…

Microsoft hints on Haswell’s availability dates

In a blog post by Microsoft, it is “announced that Surface with Windows 8 Pro…

Microsoft Surface Pro to be priced at 899USD

The pricing of the Surface Pro tablet has just been announced on the Official Microsoft…

BlackBerry 10 Developer Program Updated

BlackBerry 10 Developer Program Updated Tools updates, new rewards, hardware opportunities, and revenue commitments to…

Appcelerator and RIM Join Forces to Reward Mobile Developers

Appcelerator and RIM Join Forces to Reward Mobile Developers Appcelerator’s 390,000 Titanium Developers incented to…

ASUS Releases Two-Slot GeForce® GTX 680 DirectCU II with 4GB GDDR5

ASUS Releases Two-Slot GeForce® GTX 680 DirectCU II with 4GB GDDR5 Meeting popular demand, the…

Desktops soon to be a thing of the past- Intel kills off desktop computing

 Intel kills off the desktop, PCs go with it Analysis: Broadwell has no socket, PCs…

Game deals Ahoy!

As you all know, it’s that time of the year again. Black Friday was over…

10 Illusions that will blow your mind away

Prepare to get mindblown with these 10 illusions from Learn how to control your…

Tan Kah Kee Young Inventors Award 2013

The annual Tan Kah Kee Young Inventors Award(TKKYIA) is here again. Since 1986, the competition…

Jabra Pricelist for SITEX 2012

Jabra has got some promotions with their high end bluetooth headset and portable speaker solutions…

ASUS Pricelist/Brochures for SITEX 2012

The Tech Revolutionist has got our hands on some of the RAW pricelists from ASUS.…



Share our articles and win a new Razer Electra Gaming Headset

Razer Electra Gaming Headset Giveaway! To reward our dedicated readers, The Tech Revolutionist is giving out…

"By Tech Enthusiasts, For Tech Enthusiasts".

The Tech Revolutionist was established in 2012 to bring the latest news from the PC DIY scene to the readers in Singapore. We have now expanded into many other areas in technology, covering a wide scope of topics from lifestyle consumer to enterprise products.

Forget about pretty faces and handsome presenters. Here at The Tech Revolutionist, we go deep into technology to look at how things work, and how it affects the society today.

That's why, our writers are all professionals in the tech industry.

"Think Tech. Speak Tech. Breathe Tech"