Currently, the developers of Clear for Mac has developed an gesture based interface for the to-do-list application. If you remembered, Clear for the iPhone has a new interesting interaction design of pinching between lists to create sub items within the list. With Leap Motion, users can navigate and interact with Clear in a new gestural way. To complete a task, move your index finger from left to right. To move to another list, simply move your whole hand. Leap Motion will accurately determine your gestures and send commands accurately to the computer. It looks sleek from a first glance, but it could probably still be easier with gestures on the touch pad or mouse. What do you think?
The Leap Motion development kits have already been sent out to registered developers for quite some time now. We are still unsure of the kinds software or types of interface it can be developed with the Leap Motion kit, but we are sure that it’s here to stay as ASUS previously announced that their laptop computers will soon be bundled with the device.