TCO Development presents the new generation TCO Certified sustainability certification for IT products. With an emphasis on life cycle social and environmental responsibility, the new generation sharpens the focus on industry efforts to improve working conditions in factories where computers, smartphones and other electronics are manufactured.
”For buyers, monitoring product compliance with social criteria in the supply chain is costly and complex”, says Niclas Rydell, Certification Director at TCO Development. ”In the new generation we’re taking further steps to help solve this problem. Specifically, the revised criteria aim at more thorough monitoring and follow up of IT brand efforts and corrective actions designed to improve working conditions in the factories where TCO Certified products are made”.
Other major developments in the New Generation TCO Certified include;
- Phase-out of the most hazardous non-halogenated flame retardants and a shift towards safer alternatives. Substances will be assessed according to the GreenScreenTM for Safer Chemicals tool, with those achieving a defined benchmark will be included on the TCO Development Accepted Substances List;
- Banning of four phthalates identified as most hazardous; DEHP, BBP, DBP and DIBP;
- Requirement for each brand to have a policy addressing conflict minerals as well as active participation in at least one initiative aimed at combatting their use.
- Declared sustainability information for helping measure and improve the sustainability impact of IT products in three areas: recycled material content, total product weight, energy consumption
IT products achieving TCO Certified are third party verified to meet leading criteria for environmental and social responsibility throughout the product life cycle; manufacturing, use and end of life handling. Compliance is verified by an independent third party and criteria are developed by TCO Development in collaboration with a wide group of stakeholders including purchasers, independent experts and industry.
Purchasers around the world use TCO Certified as a tool for choosing more sustainable IT products. TCO Certified offers industry a third party structure for improving their product sustainability performance.
Development of the New Generation TCO Certified
Review and development of criteria in TCO Certified is an ongoing process. A new generation is released every three years in a structured process of criteria review, new criteria proposals and stakeholder dialog. The purpose of TCO Certified is to advance sustainable development in the life cycle of electronics.